Commercial HVAC Services for New England Utilities Companies

When a major utility has issues with their HVAC system, the lives of millions can be affected, including friends, family, and loved ones.

At Breen & Sullivan Mechanical Services, we provide energy and building efficiency through reliable commercial HVAC services to local utility providers throughout Massachusetts. Our experienced heating and cooling technicians maintain the HVAC systems that utility companies up and running day after day.

We focus on providing long-term, reliable commercial HVAC services that keep utility facilities safe and efficiently running so they can do the same for the greater Boston and New England area. By working with leading utility companies throughout the area, we know firsthand how important grid sensitivity and compliance issues can be and how HVAC needs factor in.

In addition to providing HVAC services and maintenance, Encon Commercial Service is dedicated to safety. So much so that OSHA's regulatory requirements are just a minimum starting point for our comprehensive HVAC safety program. All HVAC technicians are trained on the proper tools and techniques for heating and air conditioning services to keep utility facilities safe, and to carry out their work in a safe manner.